Steam Turbine Generator is a vital component of Process Plants in Zambia. It is used for generating electricity from steam and is an important equipment for industries like Edible Oil, chemicals, and food processing. Zambia depends on Hydro Power plants for power generation, but due to forecasted lesser rains in coming years, there will be a scarcity of Power. Steam turbines were powered by fossil fuels like coal, but with the emergence of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and biomass, steam turbines are increasingly being used for generating Clean Energy using available biomass in Zambia.
Power Generation using Steam Turbine generators in Zambia can provide reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective energy sources which can reduce dependency on Grid Power and provide industries power to run without interruption. The use of steam turbines powered by biomass has the potential to reduce emissions and promote sustainable development.
For the Small and Medium-sized industries, Steam Turbine Generators of ratings 100kW and 3000kW can contribute to a great extent to meet the power demand in Zambia and thus reduce the demand from the local grid and become self-sufficient. These Steam Turbines while operating in parallel with Grid power can also provide Constant Pressure to the Process which will also improve the process and product quality.
Turtle Turbines is a leading supplier of Steam Turbine Generators in the range of 100 to 3000kW power capacities with comprehensive support on Pre-Order and Post Order engineering support for the Power Plant, and a highly qualified team of Technicians required for Installation and Commissioning, Services have served more than 18 industry Segments and presence in South East Asia, Africa, and India.