Benefits of Digitalized Asset Management for Steam Turbine

Digitalization is the phenomenon of the digital transformation of societies, businesses, and
industries and the improvement of value chain processes through digital solutions. It
should not be confused with digitization which is the process of converting information into a digital format. Digitalization is not a new concept, but the lowered costs of sensing, actuating, networking, and computing have enabled novel ways of implementing digital
solutions and services.
Digitalization is bringing about substantial cost savings, increased efficiency and flexibility across different industries, and transforming business models. Digital solutions, such as remote diagnostic services and machine learning, enabled by free-flowing data between smart connected things are anticipated to help cope with diminishing resources. However, while sensor and networking technologies have improved and cheapened simultaneously, and data has proved its worth as a valuable resource, the reality especially in the energy and process industry is that plants are still very siloed systems.
Steam Turbines are expensive and delicate systems operating in extreme conditions, so the sensor and automated maintenance capabilities are limited. Furthermore, most of the research covering the digitalization of turbines, i.e. remote monitoring and diagnostics, optimization, and digitalized maintenance solutions, focuses on Steam Turbines and
Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP). These systems have different setups, face different challenges, and serve different use cases compared to Steam Turbines plants, and hence also their value chain and digitalization opportunities differ.
The objective is to map the benefits of digitalized asset management for Steam Turbines. This is done by first detailing problems, challenges, and needs in Steam Turbines asset management that the experts in related subfields have identified both recently and throughout the years of plant operation.
Turtle Turbines have analyzed and addressed the need for digitalization in Steam Turbines. With our Turbo Vision system, we offer an Advanced Remote Monitoring System, 24×7 Health and Performance Monitoring, OEM Screens for Turtle Turbines, and Online instant Messaging for support and advice.

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

Steam turbines for Solar power plants.

Solar thermal power is becoming one of the most popular for generating power. The reasons for this are obvious: The sun is an inexhaustible source of power production. And it is not only a free fuel source but also a completely emissions-free source. Steam turbine generator converts solar energy into electricity and allows the optimum use of every solar beam incident

Principle of operation: Mirrors concentrate the incident solar radiation onto a receiver where it is converted into heat that is used to produce steam to drive a steam turbine. Heat storage systems like molten salt tanks provide power supply even during unfavorable weather conditions or at night. They significantly increase the number of full-load operation hours with optimal steam turbine efficiency

Solar plants require steam turbines that are optimized for their complex and challenging cycle conditions.

Day and night cycle often requires a large number of starts and fast daily startup capabilities from steam turbines. When focusing on annual power production, the short start-up times of the turbines are of great benefit to the concentrated solar plants.

Depending on the amount of sunlight, they may run at full or partial load, or at night idle. This means that the steam turbines must handle daily starts and stops and are thus exposed to substantial stresses. So it is essential that the turbines are especially well suited for use in solar-thermal power plants and that they are designed to start and stop quickly.

“The faster the plant can power up, the sooner it can generate power,” Every additional minute of production yields additional income and makes the power plant more cost-effective,”.

Turtle turbines have the capability for designing and developing such quick start turbines for such demanding conditions of Solar power plants.

Grid Synchronization System in Steam Turbine Generator

In a Steam Turbine Generator synchronization is the process of matching parameters such as voltage, frequency, phase angle, phase sequence, and waveform of the alternator or another source with a running power system. This is done before the generator is reconnected to the power system. Once a generator is synchronized with the parameters of the bus bar, the system can run smoothly.

Generator synchronization to a power system must be conducted carefully to prevent damage to the unit, as well as the power system itself. When synchronizing a generator to a power system, the frequency and voltage of the generator must match closely. The rotor angle and the instantaneous power system phase angle must be closed prior to closing the generator breaker and connecting the isolated generator to a power system.

In the majority of cases for generator synchronization, the synchronization process is automated via an automatic synchronizer with manual control capabilities that can be used in backup situations.

When back-pressure steam turbines are run Synchronised with the grid, various benefits emerge. One being the back pressure of the steam turbine can be controlled very accurately. Another very important benefit is the Steam Turbine runs in flow control mode which means the amount of steam passing through the turbine determines the power generated and the balance of power is automatically drawn from the Grid. This makes the Steam Turbine a true replacement for Pressure Reducing Valves with the benefits of Green and Free Power.

Turtle Turbines have installed many turbine units with the grid synchronization option which are running smoothly across different types of industries.

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

How Does Energy Conservation Help the Environment through Steam Turbines ?

When you limit your energy usage, you lower your impact on the environment. The longer we go without making significant changes, the greater the threat of global warming and climate change becomes to our daily lives.  
When we burn fossil fuels, they create an incredible amount of greenhouse gas emissions. These gasses, which include carbon dioxide, add up faster than the atmosphere can absorb them, which prevents Earth from being able to maintain a stable temperature properly.  The planet’s rising temperatures are what we refer to as global warming.
Energy conservation means efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less energy. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently or by reducing the amount of service used. Energy can be conserved by reducing wastage and losses and improving efficiency. Steam Turbines are one of the best options to conserve energy in industries where steam is used in processes. Steam Turbines play a very vital role in Energy Conservation. With the help of Steam Turbines, waste energy can be controlled and the maximum amount of energy can be conserved. It will also help to reduce costs.
Turtle Turbines manufacture exceptionally reliable Steam Turbines Generators with the highest efficiency in their class at the lowest ownership cost.

Monetary benefits of energy conservation.

First, we need to understand that every unit of energy has its specific cost. The energy we received is either coming from fossil fuels or renewable energy sources

Energy conservation means the efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less energy. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently through technological upgrades or by reducing wastage and losses and improving operation and maintenance.

Conventional energy sources like fossil fuels are diminishing day by day and thus energy bills are rising exponentially.

In any industry consuming steam have the potential to generate power. Pressure energy lost in the PRDS system can be conserved by using Steam turbines to develop more efficient electrical energy.
Due to steam turbines, the overall efficiency of the process increases. It will help to reduce production costs. Because of energy conservation, there will be less waste of energy. Hence with the help of a steam turbine maximum amount of energy can be conserved.

A typical cogeneration application converts 70-80% of the energy in the original fuel to useful energy

Turtle Turbines manufactures exceptionally reliable steam turbine Generators with the highest efficiency in their class at the lowest ownership cost. The products can generate power at 25% of the grid power cost.
Thus the conservation of energy leads to saving money.

What are the benefits of Energy Conservation ??

Energy conservation means the efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less energy. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently or by reducing the amount of service used. Energy can be conserved by reducing wastage and losses, improving efficiency through technological upgrades, and improving operation and maintenance. The efficiency of the process increases. It will help to reduce production costs. Because of energy conservation, there will be less waste of energy.
Following are the benefits of energy conservation.

  1. Help the environment
  2. Prolong the existence of fossil fuels
  3. Save money
  4. Energy conservation can help slow global warming
  5. Save coastal cities from disappearing underwater
  6. Improve water quality and protect reefs and other fragile ecosystems.
  7. Improve air quality and reduce airborne allergens leading to a reduced risk of cardiovascular and respiratory issues.
  8. Lower impact on mental health, injuries, and fatalities caused by severe weather.
    There are a number of ways that conserving energy leads to financial benefits.
    9. Delay fossil fuel price increases.
  9. Lower your utility bills
    Provide you with more opportunities for tax credits and rebates.
  10. Reduce fossil fuel dependence by using less energy and Continuing to look for new ways to improve energy sustainability options such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
    Turtle Turbines manufactures exceptionally reliable steam turbine Generators with the highest efficiency in their class at the lowest ownership cost. The products can generate power at 25% of the grid power cost.
    Turtle Turbines supplies Back Pressure, Extraction Condensing Steam Turbines, and Micro Steam Turbines within India and abroad. For more information please visit

Sustatinable energy generation:

Energy demand is increasing day by day in the world. Energy generation is one of the critical challenges that will be faced in the future.

Businesses need to strike the balance between operational efficiency and sustainable development. With soaring energy prices and increased scarcity of natural resources, pinpointing energy efficiencies – from planning to manufacturing to operations – is the most important for any business’s survival.

One of the ways to sustainable development is to become more energy efficient so as to optimize existing resources and plan the right investments in new technologies or become energy independent by generating own energy.

Any industry using continuous steam has the ability to generate its own power by using a Steam turbine as a bypass to the PRDS / PRS system. The pressure energy which is lost in the PRDS can be converted to electrical energy by using a back pressure steam turbine. One of the ways to sustainable development

Turtle turbine has the expertise to develop customized steam turbines as per customer needs. Conserving energy is one of the best ways to have sustainable development for the future

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

Circular Economy

The circular economy refers to an economic model whose objective is to produce goods and services in a sustainable way, by limiting the consumption and waste of resources (raw materials, water, energy) as well as the production of waste. The circular economy model fits directly into the more general framework of sustainable development. It is part of a global strategy that also uses, among other things, the principles of the green economy, industrial ecology, eco-design, or the economy of functionality.
A circular economy is a substantial improvement common to both businesses and consumers.
It aims to change the standard in relation to the linear economy, by limiting the environmental impact and waste of resources, as well as increasing efficiency at all stages of the product economy. It is breaking with the model of the linear economy, based on a take make consume throw away pattern, by proposing to transform waste into recycled raw material for product design or other use
Turtle Turbines innovates circular economy solutions that meet high standards of sustainability and profitability. Each solution goes through a strict assessment process performed by independent experts. Reducing energy usage by converting wasteful energy into useful clean electrical power. This plays a major role in breaking away from the linear economy and establishing a circular economy. Steam Turbines supplied for cogeneration generate electrical power and heat, from the same primary fuel. Hence, again encouraging and bringing to practice the principles of a circular economy.
Turtle Turbines products enhance sustainable development.

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

Advantages of Preventive Maintenance of steam turbine

Preventive maintenance is the predetermined periodic based maintenance activity. In that steam turbine is taken offline, opened up, and inspected. After visual inspection repairs are made and the machine will be put back online. In this type of maintenance replacement, overhauling and remanufacturing activities are done at fixed periodic intervals regardless of the machine’s condition at the time.
Preventive maintenance of components is the main part of the cost of steam turbine operations. Normally steam turbines are repaired when they break down, but there are several advantages of using Preventive Maintenance instead. Following are some major advantages of Preventive Maintenance of steam turbine

  1. Preventive maintenance saves time and avoids secondary damage, which both save costs.
  2. Several components can be maintained when the steam turbine is to be stopped anyway.
  3. The optimal time for the next preventive maintenance activity and which exact components will attend to. This involves optimization under uncertainty.
  4. Using preventive maintenance schedules, it can monitor the ages of the components as well as operational data from the steam turbine.
  5. Using optimal scheduling of preventive maintenance, the cost may be considerably reduced.
  6. In preventive maintenance like Systematic inspection, detection and correction of failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects will be avoided.
  7. Preventive maintenance is performed specifically to prevent faults from occurring in steam turbines.
    Turtle Turbines supplies steam turbines from the range of 100kW to 3000kW within India and abroad. Turtle Turbines provides maintenance services for steam turbines up to the range of 5000kW. For more information please visit

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

History of Cogeneration

The cogeneration term is not new. It first appeared in the late 1880s in Europe and in the early 20th century in the United States, when most industrial plants generated their own electricity using coal-fired boilers and Steam Turbine Generators. Perhaps the first modern use of energy recycling was done by Thomas Edison. His 1882 Pear Street Station, the world’s first commercial power plant, was a combined heat and power plant producing both thermal and electrical energy while using waste heat to warm neighboring buildings. Many of these plants used exhaust steam for industrial. According to COGEN Europe, an advocacy group based in Belgium, cogeneration produced as much as 58% of the total power from on-site industrial power plants in the United States in the early 1990s.
Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is the use of a heat engine or power station to generate electricity and useful heat at the same time. Heat losses are reduced and efficiency is increased when cogeneration is used to supply heat to various applications and facilities. Typical cogeneration systems have overall efficiencies ranging from 65% to 90%. Cogeneration is more efficient due to the levels of fuel that are used.

Benefits of Cogeneration:

  1. Efficiency levels are higher than many other methods.
  2. Energy wastage levels are less than in other processes.
  3. Running costs are lower.
  4. Electricity produced is stable and consistent.
  5. The cost of heating is lower.
  6. Carbon footprint reduced.
  7. Considerably more eco-friendly.
  8. Can be a backup power supply.

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.