Steam Turbine In Distillery Industry

This article provides an overview of how steam turbines are implemented in distilleries to produce their power at a lower

rate of unit (Rs.2/unit). This article presents how steam turbines work in distilleries, principles of operation & which type of steam turbine can

be used in distilleries to produce more power within lower investment costs. Different types of steam turbines are useful in distilleries as per required

processes & steam flow rate.

The steam is used as a heating medium into a series of distillation columns to increase the concentration of alcohol and remove the various impurities from the

fermented wash. The steam is also used in Multiple Effective Evaporator (MEE), Dryer, and Jet cookers. So, energy, mainly electricity & fuel, used in the above

processes are generally derived from renewable sources like bagasse, spent wash, etc., and non-renewable sources like coal. The continuous price hike of these

energy sources, in turn, increases the processing expenses and the product cost. Cogeneration in Distillery reduces the energy cost. The investment gets paid

back around a year. Since the Steam Turbine maintains precise steam pressure, the quality of the product improves as well.

The Distillation Plant offered is a multi-pressure, multi-product distillation system with all prescribed auxiliary equipment and services as required to produce,

as a minimum, the desired ethanol quality. The system consists of a total of four Columns, Analyzer Column, Extractive distillation Column, Rectifier column &

Recovery column. Distilleries generate spent wash from the distillation column, spent lees from the analyzer column, and other wastewaters like fermenter

washings, fermenter cooling, floor washings, spillage, and cooling. The distillation process requires steam for heating the fermented wash to remove

water from it and produce ethanol. The steam is generated in a boiler at medium or high pressure. Generally, Bagasse, Coal, Spent Wash are used as fuel to produce

steam. Cogeneration utilizes the high or medium pressure steam coming out from the boiler, allowing it to expand in the Steam Turbine to deliver saturated

steam at a pressure/temperature required in the process. The medium pressure steam generated in the boiler is passed through a PRV to reduce its pressure to the

required process pressure. Here steam loses its energy in terms of enthalpy. A Back Pressure Steam Turbine performs the same operation of reducing

the steam pressure, in addition, it converts the enthalpy drop into useful electrical energy with a no or negligible loss. A well-designed Back Pressure

Turbine maintains precise back pressure which results in maintaining accurate process temperature to produce the best quality products. The investment is

paid back in a year or two. Since the Turbine performs a similar operation as that of PRV and additionally generates electric power which results in saving money,

cuts down the electricity monthly bill and delivers quality products because of delivering the good quality saturated steam for process heating

Steam Turbine in Paper Industry

in This article, we are describing how steam turbines are used in the paper
industry to generate their own power at a reduced cost which is up to Rs. 1
to Rs.2 per unit. firstly we will know how Turtle Turbines work in the paper
industry, their principles of operation, and which types of steam turbines
can be utilized in the paper industry to provide more power for less money.

Steam turbines are proving themselves very effectively in the Pulp & Paper industry.
they provide the Process Heat and Power. Steam turbine inlet
steam conditions are typically between 12 (barg) Dry and Saturated and 63
(barg) 480 (°C). The Steam is fed to the Steam Turbine to generate power.
Exhaust steam from the Turbine is used in the process of heating.

There is a cost to creating steam at process pressure rather than high
pressure to generate electricity at the top end. Cogeneration, on the other
hand, has a lost opportunity cost since steam. it still retains a significant
amount of enthalpy that may be utilized for power generation under normal
process heating conditions. The high cost of grid power has a direct impact
on the bottom line of the paper industry. manufacturers’ best alternative
is to build their own captive power plants that will run in cogeneration
mode. High-pressure boilers, turbines, and generators have high capital
and operational costs, and they are normally operated constantly, limiting
self-generated power to large-scale activities.

Extraction pressures of 11 kg/cm2 and 4 kg/cm2 may be found in a typical
power generation turbine in a paper mill. The average backpressure is
around 4 kg/cm2. In reality, these pressures are tailored to the specific
needs of each site. It’s used to separate fibers and soften pulp during the
pulping process, as well as bleaching and mixing oxygen into the pulp