Steam Turbines are available in a power range capacity of 100 kW to 250 MWs. CHP (Combined Heat & Power) configuration uses both Power & Thermal Energy. Power can be generated by using a Back Pressure or an Extraction Back Pressure Turbine. A Back Pressure Turbine low can be used where low-pressure steam is required in a process and an Extraction Back Pressure Turbine can be used where both medium and low-pressure process is required in a process. For example in a distillery low-pressure steam is required, hence a Back Pressure Turbine is suitable & in a dairy low and medium pressure steam is required where an extraction backpressure turbine is suitable. For CHP application boilers can utilize a wide range of fuels like Coal, Biomass, Briquettes, Gas, etc. The overall efficiency of the process plant by CHP can be reached up to 80% or even exceed. The steam turbine costs 15 to 25% of the total investment and the typical ROI can be lie between 1 to 2 years.