The textile industry is one of the most steam-intensive industries using steam in almost all textile processes in one way or another. For example, steam is used for:
Drying of textile materials
For ironing finished textiles before packing
For ironing material inserts in the under-pressing ironing process
Steam is also used to give textile fibers certain properties. Dimensional stability, Shrinkage resistance, Corrugation resistance, etc.
The process steam is required to be generated at higher pressure and temperatures in the boiler. The steam is passed through the PRV/ PRDS to reduce its pressure to the required process pressure. A further desuperheater is used to control
The co-generation solution provided by turtle turbines substitutes the PRS by installing back pressure or extraction steam turbine. The turbines provided by the turtle are very efficient in maintaining the back pressure of the turbine even though the inlet steam parameters vary a bit. This helps to easily changeover from PRV/PRDS system to co-generation turbines without any hassle.