Five Secrets of Successful Steam Turbine Operation

The steam turbine is Equipment used to produce electrical power using steam.
To have a good performance of the turbine it needs to be operated properly. Below are the secrets of successful steam turbine operation

  1. Steam quality:
    Steam turbine operation and performance require the correct steam pressure at the tur­bine inlet and high steam quality (steam without condensate entrapment) to ensure high turbine reliability. Low-quality steam reduces the steam turbine efficiency and causes erosion of steam turbine components (blades, governor valves, blading, and nozzles).
  2. Lubrication system:
    Lubrication of the rotating parts is very important to reduce the friction and wear and tear of the components. A proper lubrication system needs to be provided for the steam turbine which includes MOP, AOP, and EOP. Ensure the required oil level in the lube oil tank. The lubricating oil should be kept at the appropriate operating temperature as possible this is to be achieved by providing an oil cooling system.

3 Bearing maintenance: Bearings of the steam turbine shaft should be checked regularly. Desired pressure needs to be maintained in the lubrication system to circulate the oil through bearings and other passages.

4 cleanliness of the steam turbine room:
The steam Turbine room must be clean properly all the instrumentation needs to check for their proper functioning. Instruments are to be calibrated at regular intervals. Instrument air should be free of dirt and oil.

5 general maintenance of the turbine.
Steam turbine regular maintenance procedures to be followed on a timely basis to ensure the hazel-free operation of steam turbines

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.


The term Energy conservation itself defines the energy which can be conserved by reducing wastage and losses, improving efficiency through technological upgrades, and improving operations and maintenance.

FACT I: Many industrial facilities produce steam at a pressure higher than that demanded by process requirements. Steam passes through pressure-reducing valves at various locations in the steam distribution system to reduce its pressure. A Back-Pressure Steam Turbine can perform the same pressure-reducing function as a PRV while converting steam energy into electrical energy, which leads down to Energy Conservation. A pressure difference must exist between the steam supply and the exhaust for any Steam Turbine to operate.

FACT II: Considering waste heat from Industries, which can recover heat from a hot gas or water stream and produces steam that can be used in industrial and manufacturing processes or can be also used to drive a Steam Turbine to improve efficiency, reduces operating cost and lowering carbon footprints. This leads us to Energy Conservation. Waste Heat is basically the byproduct from Chemical Industries, Gas Turbines, etc., where this waste heat can be converted into steam, which can be used further in Steam Turbine Generators to produce Electrical Power. Ultimately this fact will increase the value of Energy Conservation.

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

Success of Steam Turbine – Application Engineering to Installation

To make the turbine installation successful it is very important to follow the simple things. The installation success starts at the very beginning with proper application engineering. Several things like steam parameters, selection of turbine type, gearbox, alternator, control system, power evacuation, etc. are important during application engineering.

During the installation of the Turbine readiness of the site contributes to the successful installation. The steam piping’s stress analysis should be done properly and piping should be supported properly according to the stress analysis report. The steam blowing should be done until the desired target plate reading is observed. The steam consumption in the process and a total electrical load of the plant should also be matched with the Turbine design parameter or alternative provisions should be done to overcome the problem.

Success of Steam Turbine - Application Engineering to Installation

Steam Turbine Types from Industry Perspective

Any process industry that generates steam for their process heating has an opportunity to generate electrical power using a Steam Turbine Generator. So the application of steam turbine will be in below three categories,
A. Energy Conservation
B. Co-Generation
C. Cative Power

An Energy conservation application is that where the plant is having small or medium pressure mostly saturated boiler and steam is being used at lower pressure in the process. There exists a possibility of power generation using a Micro Steam Turbine.

For Co-generation applications like in Distilleries, Sugar, Paper mills, etc. the selection of Boilers from medium pressure to high pressure with Superheated steam is done to meet the fully or partial total electrical load of the plant. Mainly Back Pressure, Extraction Back Pressure, or Extraction Condensing type of Steam Turbines are used for Co-generation.

For a captive power application, the steam turbines are designed with only the purpose of power generation due to lack of local grid power availability or utilize the waste heat generated from the process or many such reasons. For such applications fully condensing steam turbines are used.

We at Turtle Turbines understand the requirement of the customer to deliver the best suitable product for their Energy conservation/Co-generation/Captive Power need.

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

Role of steam turbine in production cost in Distillery.

Continuous steam supply is required for effective distillation and to maintain the operating cost.

In distilleries, steam is employed in a number of processes to produce hot water and regulate the temperature of the water during distillation. Steam is needed to clean and sterilize the equipment.
Not only the volume of steam is important depending on the production batch but the quality of steam is also essential to the distillation process. high-quality steam is needed for effective product distillation.

Steam distillation is carried out by passing low-pressure dry steam through the plant material whereby the steam volatile compounds are volatilized, condensed, and collected in receivers.
High pressure, superheated steam is produced by the boiler. In PRV/PRDS, this steam is lowered to the necessary pressure. Additionally, the steam temperature is controlled using a de-superheater. The co-generation solution provided by turtle turbines substitutes the PRS by installing back pressure or extraction steam turbine which provides uninterrupted steam flow at desired quality and also generated power.

The power generated by such steam turbines in the distillery directly reduces the demand for power from the grid. The cost of generating power in Distillery through co-generation is reduced to 40 to 50 %. At the same time, grid power costs almost twice to thrice the cost of co-generated power.
Every single production process needs energy, so generating electricity on-site using turtle turbine back pressure solutions lowers the production’s upfront costs. Cutting down the monthly electricity bills and delivering the desired quality of steam with an uninterrupted flow is the best solution for every distillation plant

True cost of power

Knowing the true cost of power is very important to improving the company’s bottom and operation efficiency.
The power we use has both economic and social impacts and to understand the true cost of power we need to dig deep into both of them.

Cost of power generation:
There are many ways to generate power, mainly hydropower, nuclear power, solar wind, and thermal power plants. Out of these main categories, thermal power plants are the most popular and have the highest market share among the others. Most thermal power plants work on the Rankine cycle. The fuel such as coal and natural gas is burned into the boiler. The boiler generates high pressure and superheated steam. Steam is further passed through a steam turbine to generate the power. Owing to the intrinsic limited efficiency of the Rankine Cycle, only about 30% of Energy generated by burning the fuel is converted into Electrical Power.
per kW of power generated majorly depends on
Fixed costs (FC), mainly interest, depreciation, insurance, and taxes, depending on the capital invested, i.e. on the construction costs of the plant including the cost of the land.
Operation and maintenance (O & M) cost cover salaries and wages, overhauling of equipment, repairs including spare parts, water, lubricating oil, chemicals, and miscellaneous expenses.
Fuel costs, depend on the amount of electricity generated. Cost also varies with the quantity of fuel, source of fuel, and availability of fuel. Apart from capital expenditure on the infrastructure and capital equipment the consumption of fuel accounts for more than 50% of the power plant operating cost.

Cost of distribution:
Usually, Power is generated at a centralized location and transmitted via Grid to the industry. Power distribution requires a huge network of wire/cable of several hundred kilometers along with many distribution stations. developing this infrastructure is very capital intensive. Up to 20% of this power (ie. 6% of the Energy in Coal) is lost as Transmission and Distribution losses, thus only about 24% of Energy reaches the consumption point. The remaining 76% is dumped as Heat into the atmosphere adding to Global Warming.

As an industrialist, we can reduce the cost of power by generating our own power at the site ( near to the point of consumption) which almost eliminates the capital infrastructure cost of the power distribution network and also minimizes the distribution losses. In case of Cogeneration, both Heat and Power are generated from a single primary source of Fuel. The exhaust heat from the Cogeneration Power Plant can be utilized in the process of heating the industry and the Power is consumed locally. The system efficiency of the Cogeneration Power Plant thus reaches as high as 84%, compared to just 24% of Centralised Power Plant.

Generating power at the site through waste heat or instead of the PRS system is the best option to reduce the cost of power and increase the process efficiency.
On-site power generation reduces the waste heat dumped into the atmosphere. Which in turn reduces the global warming effect by almost 70% as compared to the conventional centralized power generation.

Role of Steam Turbine in Energy Conservation

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Role of Steam Turbine in Energy Conservation

The global energy landscape will change more in the next 10 years than in the previous hundred. As the world’s energy sector moves away from fossil fuels toward renewable energy sources, industrial companies are challenged with addressing this transition in transformative ways.
Digitization will be key to making power-generating assets more efficient, the electric grid more secure and resilient, the aviation industry more sustainable, and helping manufacturers reduce waste.

Energy conservation means the efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less energy. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently or by reducing the amount of service used. Energy can be conserved by reducing wastage and losses, improving efficiency through technological upgrades, and improving operation and maintenance. Steam Turbine is one of the best options to conserve energy in industries where steam is used in the processes industries like a distillery, sugar, paper, Dairy plants, oils and refineries, Textiles, Edible oil, and many more industries.

A steam turbine is an equipment that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam and uses it to do mechanical work on a rotating output shaft and generates power. Steam turbines play a very important role in energy conservation. With the help of a steam turbine, waste energy can be harnessed. Due to steam turbines, the overall efficiency of the process increases. It will help to reduce the production cost. Because of energy conservation, there will be less waste of energy. Hence with the help of a steam turbine maximum amount of energy can be conserved.
Turtle Turbines manufactures exceptionally reliable steam turbine Generators with highest efficiency in their class at lowest ownership cost. The products can generate power at 25% of the grid power cost.
Turtle Turbines supplies steam turbines from the range of 100kW to 3000kW within India and abroad. For more information please visit

How to reduce steam turbine outage cost

Steam Turbine is the most valuable and essential equipment in sugar, distillery, food industry, Edible oils, Paper Industry, Dairy plants, Cement plants and many more industries. Because it’s a power generating equipment and its better to operate than other power generating equipment. It can generate power within lowest cost as compared to other sources.
However, pressure on the energy industry increases. As prices increases and the focus on sustainable grows, industry owners/players are starting to find leverage solutions. And also strategies that would help them to reduce their steam turbine outage costs. And increase steam turbine life cycle.
Following are the some valuable strategies that can help you to reduce your steam turbine outage costs.

  1. Keep control systems failure free and maintained.
    A good control system can increases reliability, reduce maintenance and improve diagnostics and employ more precise control on steam turbines.
  2. Keep spares in stocks.
    Keep Consumable spares and essential required spares in stock so that it can save the time and also power cost in the period of failure of this spares, turbine will run within short time after replacement. Maintain Consumable and critical spares on periodically basis.
  3. Take spares from OEM only.
    The spares taken from OEM are genuine, quality spares which enhances the operational reliability of the steam turbine as they are manufactured to quality standards. Because the quality and inspection processes applicable to spares are same as that of turbine manufacturing process to ensure consistently high quality.
  4. Do preventive maintenance –
    It is the predetermined periodic based maintenance activity. In that, Steam turbine is taken offline, opened up and inspected. After visual inspection repairs are made and machine will put back online. In this type of maintenance replacement, overhauling and remanufacturing activities is done at fixed periodic intervals regardless of machine condition at the time.
  5. Do sceduled maintenance.
    In scheduled maintenance steam turbine bearings and Seals should be physically inspected every quarter or years. This entails opening the bearing housings, removing and inspecting the bearings and Seals and replacing any components as needed. Scheduled maintenance generally done during a planned shutdown.

Turtle Turbine Manufactures the steam turbines ranges from 50kW to 3000kW and also provides spares of high quality standards. For more information please visit on

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

Lubrication system for steam turbines

In steam turbines lubrication system plays a very important role. Lubricating oil systems generally serve the turbine and its driven object in ways other than supplying oil to the bearings. Most turbines have hydraulic control systems that use lubricating oil as the working fluid and lubricating system pressure as the actuating force. Steam turbines cannot operate without lubrication. Therefore, a turbine lubricating oil system must be designed, operated, and maintained for extreme reliability.
In steam turbines, the lubricating oil system affects overall facility loss prevention more than the mechanical system. The lubrication oil system contained combustible liquid under pressure. The lubrication oil system is designed in a way to minimize the fire hazards presented. In most cases, a good fire protection design would also include shutting of the oil supply if a fire starts. Since shutting of the oil supply could cause the mechanical destruction of the turbine unit, the design of the associated fire protection system must reflect the fact that lubricating oil system operation must continue until the turbine unit goes down.
Each steam turbine has lubricating oil systems that are independent of any other unit. A steam turbine lubricating oil system is designed to supply clean oil at the correct temperature and pressure to all bearings, control equipment, and Seals under adverse condition that results in the largest drop in the system pressure. These three conditions can be considered, failure of any single bearing and rupture of any external line or component in the control oil system. Failure of any single seal. To prevent these events from causing serious additional damage may require limited line sizes, orifice plates, or needle valves to distribute flow in service and to limit the system pressure drop produced by a component failure.
The system reservoir should be large enough to supply oil to bearings under any above conditions for at least twice the unit coastdown time from its maximum operating speed.
Steam turbine subject to damage from coastdown without lubrication requires a backup or emergency lubrication source. The backup source should be starting automatically if the normal source fails. Provide oil to the bearings in case of a crash shutdown. Operate independently of the normal facility of electrical supply.

In case of minimum duration of supply for the backup or emergency oil source may require a further extension to include the time necessary to isolate and depressive the machine after shutdown. A steam turbines unit with a forced lubrication system required the following features,
Low lubrication pressure alarm and unit shutdown.
High lubrication temperature alarm.
Oil reservoir low-level alarm.
Backup and emergency lubrication source running alarm.
High oil filters differential alarm.
Locked or plugged oil reservoir drains.
Hence Lubrication oil system installation in steam turbines are very essential to run the steam turbine smoothly. For more information please visit

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.

Low Pressure Steam Turbine

Steam Turbines are used for many applications for Power Generation in Power Plants, Combine Power and Heat applications, Co-generation, etc. Depending upon the power requirements steam parameters and boiler specifications are decided. Boilers are available at various pressures like Critical Pressure, High Pressure, Medium Pressure, and Low Pressure.

In process industries steam is used for heating at low pressure, accordingly, the low or medium pressure Boiler is selected. The low-pressure Boilers are usually ranging from 10.5 kg/cm² (g) to 28 kg/cm² (g) and Dry and Saturated steam.

For the low-pressure saturated steam boilers, power generation with a Low-Pressure Steam Turbine can be possible. Since the steam is available in dry & saturated conditions the design of turbine or power generation potential should be done cautiously. In such conditions, more care should be given to moisture content or steam quality than aiming for maximum possible power generation.

Turtle Turbines have been designed as per API and successfully installed many low-pressure steam turbines (vaporpower) on dry & saturated steam and which are generating power without any interruption.

Turtle Turbines is one of the most reputed Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India.